Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sun Life donates $200,000 to the Red Cross to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine

Sun Life donates $200,000 to the Red Cross to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine

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– Sun Life announced today that it is donating $200,000 to the Canadian Red Cross, to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine.

“Sun Life is joining the global efforts in the call for peace in Ukraine,” said Kevin Strain, President and CEO of Sun Life. “Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine and to everyone affected. We’re deeply concerned by the humanitarian crisis that continues to unfold in Ukraine and the surrounding regions. Our donation will provide immediate and ongoing aid to directly respond to the needs of those impacted by the crisis.”

This contribution will enable the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to respond to humanitarian need sin Ukraine. The support could include relief efforts, long-term recovery, and other critical activities as needs arise, both in Ukraine and surrounding countries, including supporting those that have been displaced. In addition, Bental lGreenOak has donated $50,000 to UNICEF to support children and families in Ukraine.

Sun Life is also providing employees with an opportunity to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal through its employee giving program. Employees based in Canada and the United States who make a personal donation will have their contribution matched by Sun Life, up to a specified amount. Canadians wishing to help are encouraged to donate to the Canadian Red Cross’ Ukraine Humanitarian

Crisis Appeal or by calling 1-800-418-1111. The Government of Canada will match 100 per cent of donations made by individual Canadians to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal, to a maximum of $10 million.

Those wishing to donate in the United States are encouraged to contribute directly to the American Red Cross at